Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sad sad sad

Merry Christmas to you all- well, as merry as I can make my home. I present for your snickering pleasure the sad state of my christmas decor: the 1st day of december was a Monday and in anticipation of the "fun time" going to be had by all during a family home evening of christmas decorating I pulled out all 3 shoe-box sized boxes chalk full of christmas decorations- all 6 of them. The boxes sat in my living room and were re-arranged for a full week until I just had to pull everything out myself. I'm still not officially done- meaning I've still got lights to put up- but I think I may be done for this year! Let me then proceed to introduce you to my christmas decorations:
The Tree was the first thing to go up because its fake and therefore, the easiest thing to put together! Plus, its only 4 feet tall. This is a good thing because 3 minutes after I put it up and laboriously decorated it with all 12 of my ornaments, strategically placed to create an illusion of someone who cares, James decided the tree looked better horizontal. The first picture is of the boy and the tree. I took out the camera and began testing out angles from which to shoot the tree to make it look as large as possible when much to my surprise, the boy thought I wanted to take a picture of HIM! So, he obligingly sat in front of the tree and took a picture! 
This is my tree with all the ornaments on the top 1/3. There is only 1 homemade ornament that has any emotional value whatsoever: the star of david constructed with popsicle sticks. James made it in Nursery. The rest are from the dollar tree. Here's a great money saving tip: If you want some kind of continuity in your decorations but don't want to go to target, check your dollar store! They've got all kinds of cool things to hang around your home- and all for $1!
This little picture shows off the culmination of my decorating abilities: nutcrackers guarding the nativity set. There WAS a stable with the nativity set but it was covered in peat moss and after James pulled down the tree, he de-mossed my stable and re-arranged my nativity, bonded with baby Jesus and the manger when he brought them both to the dinner table and then chose the Manger to use as a telephone. It was really quite funny.

This is Drue's idea of a christmas wreath.

This is mine. Its not great but I sincerely tried to be creative and artistic while wielding a hot glue gun and trying to make a pretty bow. I'm sure Bonnie Mattson would NOT choose this wreath to put in her lovely home. When I'm rich and famous, I'm hiring Bonnie to make over my home.
I hope you all got a good laugh because you all deserve a good laugh!
Merry Christmas to all! I'll be posting again soon!


CA Poppy said...

I think your tree is fine. I think your son needs to have a nativity set all his own to move around and play with. I think the ornaments are only for company. The real decorations are the ones you cannot see, but can teach to your son. Love, Humility, Service, Testimony, etc.

I love you.

Hugs and Kisses,

Dad and Mom

Bonnie said...

Hey, Ashley! Great creativity. I would love to help you with your house and you don't have to be rich or famous! Little by little you will accumulate things that will be your treasures of Christmases past. We were poor as church mice the first many years we were married and I made tons of things. You did a fine job on your wreath. I'd be proud to hang it up if I were you! Merry Christmas and congrats on your second baby coming soon! love, Bonnie