Thursday, April 30, 2009

An anniversary

So... I win the "wife of the year" award.
I forgot my own anniversary.
Of course, so did my husband.
Don't get me wrong- I think its important to take a little bit of time on your wedding anniversary to look back at all the things, good and odd, that you've done in the past bit of time. Enjoy your wedded bliss and all that.
I did actually spend some time thinking about all the neat and not-so-neat things we've done since we got married 4 years ago. I was thinking of all this last night while I was trying to get my 2.5 year old to sleep while also trying to help my sick husband. What fun!
Here's what I came up with.

In 4 years we have:
Lived in 3 different states
moved 5 times
graduated from 2 different schools
procreated 1.9 times
learnt how to cook well
held (in total) 11 different jobs
changed over 1,000 diapers :)
gained great experiences I'll never forget
had heartbreaking times I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Loved and been loved by many MANY people- new and old.
Never been camping as a family (and knowing me, how weird is that?!)
had a pet cat for 1 day.

this is by no means a complete list, but its just a small bit of my thoughts last night.
I'm thankful for the wonderful man I married and the family we have created. I'm thankful for the happiness we can share in our family and that even when things aren't exactly what we might wish them to be, we are content with what we have. May your anniversary give you thoughts of your life and times together.

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