Thursday, September 10, 2009

The very hungry caterpillar

James LOVES reading. We LOVE to hear him read!
If you're wondering, he's just reciting- not really reading, and he'll say just about every other word.
When he's going through the various fruits, because all the days of the week end in "day", he just says "day"
My favorite moment here is when he says "on monday, he ate through ONE apple" and holds up two fingers, then realizes his mistake, and fixes it! Such a sweet boy! And his speech is coming along nicely!


Julene said...

Cute! James really has that one down! I love when Eden "reads" to me too! Oliver seems like a pretty chill little guy. Is he a pretty good baby? He looks quite a bit different than I remember James looking when he was tiny. Both so cute.

By the way, I would love the concealers I kept neglecting to pick up. If you could mail them to me and let me know the amount I will send you a check already!

Laura McBride said...

Sooo cute! I have to say I love both of their shirts. Pirates and peace signs! I MISS YOU!