Sunday, May 2, 2010


(insert copyrighted photo of Avatar here)

Since I'm not allowed to pirate a photo of Avatar by copyright laws, you'll just have to imagine one.

classic story:
Outsider. Encounters a small, vulnerable population. Tries to fit in. Tries hard. Insiders eventually accept outsider. Danger threatens. Outsider is only one who understands and must lead Insiders to victory. Battle. Insiders win. Outsider an Insider for real. The end.

Pretty much Avatar in a nutshell, yeah?

Did I like it?
Well, no. But why?
Three words: Sweeping camera moves.
Seriously, I got motion sick just sitting on my couch! I've NEVER been motion sick in my LIFE. Ever. I felt sick to my stomach for 2 and a half hours. yuck.
Also, I felt it was extremely over-produced. In the "Summer Blockbuster" category. Which I've never really been a huge fan of.
So, maybe I'm just old here. Or maybe it wasn't as great a movie as it thought it was.

Either way, when I want to see this story line again, I'll just watch Dances With Wolves. At the very least, it won't make me sick to just WATCH it.


Jesse said...

Avatar - Pocahontas for the future... that is the entire plot line. The end

Taylor said...

You expected something else from a hugely-hyped movie? I guess the motion sickness part may have come as a surprise...

We pretty much never go to the movies, and we rarely watch them at home. I'm not much of a movie person I guess. We did watch one the other day that I really enjoyed though. I was called, On a Clear Day. It was very different than your typical Summer Blockbuster.

Devany said...

I'm sorry it made you sick. We saw it in 3D and thought the effects were very entertaining (and I get sick in the backseat of a car!). Although the democratic politics were a bit nauseating, I have to say, I found the characters surprisingly relatable and thought it was an overall great movie.